Social media use among scientists has been growing. Nature just published the results of a broad survey of various social networks including Twitter. Given this, it seems timely to write up the quick analysis that I did this summer.
During the Evolution 2014 annual meetings I collected tweets using the hastag #evol2014. I did this based on  interest in network analysis  growing from my time at the Santa Fe Institute's Complex Systems Summer school. I don't have any particular agenda with this, mostly curiosity.

Mike Wade and I recently published a population genetics analysis of indirect genetic effects. We found that the coadaptive process between genes and heritable environments is much faster thangenetic adaptation to an abiotic environment. Most interestingly, the effects of increased inbreeding accelerate the adaptive process than equivalent amounts of linkage. We are currently extending this model to other kinds of genome interactions. Below is the abstract, be sure to check out the full paper online at Evolution. and you can find the data online at Dryad.
Populations evolve in response to the external environment, whether abiotic (e.g., climate) or biotic (e.g., other conspecifics). We investigated how adaptation to biotic, heritable environments differs from adaptation to abiotic, non-heritable environments. We found that, for the same selection coefficients, the coadaptive process between genes and heritable environments is much faster than genetic adaptation to an abiotic non-heritable environment. The increased rate of adaptation results from of the positive association generated by reciprocal selection between the heritable environment and the genes responding to it. These associations result in a runaway process of adaptive coevolution, even when the genes creating the heritable environment and genes responding to the heritable environment are unlinked. Although tightening the degree of linkage accelerates the coadaptive process, the acceleration caused by a comparable amount of inbreeding is greater, because inbreeding has a cumulative effect on reducing functional recombination over generations. Our results suggest that that adaptation to local abiotic environmental variation may result in the rapid diversification of populations and subsequent reproductive isolation not directly but rather via its effects on heritable environments and the genes responding to them.
The Evolution meetings start tomorrow. Final tweaks to the presentations are completed. I'm giving one talk and my coauthor is given a second talk the following morning.
Antagonistic Coevolution (302C)
Date: Saturday, June 21, 2014, 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM
Devin Drown and Michael Wade. How to train your symbionts: antagonistic coevolution and the evolution of transmission mode.
Sexual Selection (302C)
Date: Sunday, June 22, 2014, 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM
Michael Wade and Devin Drown. When mito-nuclear epistasis looks like genomic and sexual conflict.
As an aside, here is some the twitter activity leading up to the conference.
I'm heading to Raleigh, NC with many other members of the Wade lab for the annual Evolution meetings. Hope to see lots of you there or look for the #Evol2014 on Twitter. I'll be presenting some recent theoretical work that extends my research in transmission mode evolution (Drown et al 2013). My coauthor, Mike Wade, will present additional theory work on cyto-nuclear interactions.
Title: How to train your symbionts: antagonistic coevolution and the evolution of transmission mode
Abstract: Here we develop a general theory for the coevolution of transmission mode and virulence in host-symbiont interactions. The fidelity of an interaction, determined by transmission mode, has a direct effect on the efficiency of selection. This new theory will combine models to understand the mechanisms of virulence evolution in structured populations. We find that interaction of virulence and genetic structure determines the balance between hosts escaping virulent pathogens and host-symbiont coevolution reducing virulence.