Maddie McCarthy has been working for the past year in the lab exploring the presence of antibiotic resistance in microbes found in environmental samples. This week she presented her work finding widespread antibiotic resistance in a Fairbanks permafrost thaw gradient. 

She used a combination of techniques including traditional culturing methods and antibiotic screening as well as nanopore sequencing to explore the resistome. She has just started comparing her sequencing data with the Comprehensive Antibiotic Resistance database.

Maddie's work was supported by Alaska BLaST who is funded by the National Institute Of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award Numbers UL1GM118991, TL4GM118992, or RL5GM118990.
Devin is heading out to the Oxford Nanopore New York Community meeting this week to learn from the community as well as present on the Alaska MinION Hackathons. You can follow along with the action on Twitter below:

MaddieAnastasia, and Devin attended the 9th annual University of Alaska Biomedical Research Conference (UA-BRC). For the undergraduates, this was their first research conference and they presented their work using the MinION nanopore sequencer to explore genomics. As you can see below, they drew a crowd to their poster.
This two-day conference showcased biomedical and One Health related research from graduate students, undergraduate students, researchers, and faculty through-out Alaska in the form of oral presentations and poster sessions. There were two workshops about career issues relevant to undergraduate and graduate student training including internship opportunities, STEM student recruitment, networking, entrepreneurship/innovation, and employer expectations.
Devin and Jackson Drew headed down to Port Townsend, Washington for EVO-WIBO 2016, a gathering of evolutionary biologists of the Pacific Northwest. This regional evolution meeting provides an intimate meeting where researchers at all levels are welcome. One of the best things about the meetings is the lack of concurrent sessions. We all share the same experiences. The majority of talks are by graduate students and post docs. This time around the plenary  talk was by Prof. Sarah Otto.
Social media use among scientists has been growing. Nature just published the results of a broad survey of various social networks including Twitter. Given this, it seems timely to write up the quick analysis that I did this summer.
During the Evolution 2014 annual meetings I collected tweets using the hastag #evol2014. I did this based on  interest in network analysis  growing from my time at the Santa Fe Institute's Complex Systems Summer school. I don't have any particular agenda with this, mostly curiosity.

The Evolution meetings start tomorrow. Final tweaks to the presentations are completed. I'm giving one talk and my coauthor is given a second talk the following morning.
Antagonistic Coevolution (302C)
Date: Saturday, June 21, 2014, 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM
Devin Drown and Michael Wade. How to train your symbionts: antagonistic coevolution and the evolution of transmission mode.
Sexual Selection (302C)
Date: Sunday, June 22, 2014, 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM
Michael Wade and Devin Drown. When mito-nuclear epistasis looks like genomic and sexual conflict.
As an aside, here is some the twitter activity leading up to the conference.
I'm heading to Raleigh, NC with many other members of the Wade lab for the annual Evolution meetings. Hope to see lots of you there or look for the #Evol2014 on Twitter. I'll be presenting some recent theoretical work that extends my research in transmission mode evolution (Drown et al 2013). My coauthor, Mike Wade, will present additional theory work on cyto-nuclear interactions.
Title: How to train your symbionts: antagonistic coevolution and the evolution of transmission mode
Abstract: Here we develop a general theory for the coevolution of transmission mode and virulence in host-symbiont interactions. The fidelity of an interaction, determined by transmission mode, has a direct effect on the efficiency of selection. This new theory will combine models to understand the mechanisms of virulence evolution in structured populations. We find that interaction of virulence and genetic structure determines the balance between hosts escaping virulent pathogens and host-symbiont coevolution reducing virulence.